Thursday, 13 November 2008

Introduction to Chinese Horoscope and Chinese Zodiac Signs

Chinese Horoscope - An ancient legend says that on a Chinese New Year’s eve, Buddha called all animals to a gathering, promising a reward to the ones coming to him.

Twelve animals only went to this strange appointment, in the following order: rat, buffalo (or ox), tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, the rooster, the dog and pig. At each Buddha offered a year that bears his name, and in order of their arrival.

The Asian countries have signs that, rather than depending on the sun as the signs of the Western Zodiac, depend on the moon and on lunar years. A lunar year has 12 moons and 13 every 12 years. That is why the Asian New Year (Têt festival in Viet Nam) is never on the same date.

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