Thursday 13 November 2008

Celtic Astrology

Celtic Tree Astrology, another name for Irish Astrology, is the system of astrology practiced by the ancient Irish. The Druid symbol system forms the basis of Irish Astrology and not the traditional systems like Chinese, Vedic or Western astrology.

The Celtic symbols are drawn from the faith in Druids. It is based on the lunar cycle in which the year is classified into 13 months. A unique tree, that is considered as sacred by druids, is assigned to each of these months. Each of these trees has a distinct magical quality. The mystery behind these magical trees has been derived from the Ogram – the ancient shamanic alphabet. It is believed that the tree alphabet originated from the God of Poetry, also referred to as Celtic Herkules.

The Druids were actually Celtic priests who lived in Britain, Ireland and many parts of Western Europe. However, the arrival of Christianity led to their downfall due to the persecutions of the Roman Government. Many of the well known Celtic scholars explained that the Vedics and Celtic astronomy are quite similar to each other. They found out that Celtic astrologers made use of systems that were extremely similar to the ones used in Vedic astrology.

Read more about free astrology and paganism .

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